Paper Title
A Mixed Study of the App Based Transportation Business: UBER as a Case Study.
This research used a mixed methodology to investigate the app-based gig economy using Uber as a case study. The research consisted of 2245 trips with Uber riders in Columbia, South Carolina between the period November, 2019 to August, 2020. Quantitatively, a driver’s success was based on call acceptance rate, call cancellation rate, and driver rating. A high rating means short wait time and more earning. A low rating means longer wait time, and low earning for the driver. Qualitatively, riders were sensitive to rating and security of their individual lives, to show their satisfaction level, riders used words such as Great services, cool car, late night hero, great music, great personality and thank you to praise good drivers. The research also showed that all Uber drivers were independent contractors.
Keywords - App Based Driving, Independent Contractor, Rating, Wait Time, and Earning