Paper Title
The Evaluation of Food-Related Personality Traits and Motivation to Gastronomictourism of International Touriststoward Thai Food

Gastronomytourism has now become one of the main purposes for tourists to make a decision for travelling internationally. The purpose of this study are 1) to study food-related personality traits and motivation to gastronomic tourism of foreign tourists toward Thai food and 2) to explore how different individual variables relating to food-related personality traits and motivation to gastronomic tourism of foreign tourists toward Thai food.This survey has been carried out with 400international tourists after their revisiting of the destinations in Thailand. Results from food related personality traits and the motivation scales were analyzed across gender and nationality through descriptive and inferential statistics.This study highlighted the importance of not only the authenticity and uniqueness, but also the dining context and surrounded environment of local Thai food as a key factor in their motivation to gastronomic tourism. Traditional Thai cuisine should be promoted to tourists, especially from western cultural context. It can be concluded gastronomic motivation on Thai food was attracted among international tourists which can be strategically exploited. In term of gender difference, male tourists were be likely to try unfamiliar menu than female. Results and conclusions of this study have meaningful implications for tourism stakeholders in order to promote Thailand as gastronomic tourism destination as authentic and uniqueness of Thai food with genuine dining environment. Keywords - Gastronomic tourism, Motivation, Food-related personality traits, food neophobia, variety seeking