Paper Title
Unemployment in the Selected of The Western Southern European Countries in 2017-2019 -The Chosen Aspects

The paper regards the identification of unemployment rate in some of the Southern European Countriesin 2017-2019. The aim of the articleis the identifiacation of the unemployment rate in the researched Southern European Countriesin 2017-2019. The identification will take place within structure analysis of unemployment level, unemployment rate, dynamic change of unemployment rate in the researched Southern European Countries. The following research problems were put forward: What is the diversification of the level of unemployment in some of the Southern European Countries?, Which of the researched Southern European Countrieshave the highest, middle and the lowest level of the unemployment. In the theoretical part of the paper were depicted the following issues: the characteristic of the labour market, description of the Southern European Countries within unemployment phenonmenon. In the empirical part was presented the analysis of the unemployment rate and dynamic change of unemployment rate in Southern European Countriesin 2017-2019. In the studies were carried out: the analysis of the documentation, statistical analysis, comparative analysis, analysis of the dynamics. The results showed that the researched Southern European Countries have different tendences within unemployment rate in 2017-2019. The particular countries dealt with the consequences of unemployment caused on the labour market in the different ways. The in ferenceprocess took place in the deductive way. Keywords - Unemployment, Labour market, labour market policy, labour market instruments, Southern European Countries