Paper Title
How Social Media Marketing Affect Brand Awareness on The E-Commerce Industry in Indonesia

Indonesia ranks highest in cigarette production among other countries in ASEAN. This is proof that in Indonesia which has a population exceeds 255 million and that about two-thirds of Indonesians consume cigarettes. Since Indonesia has one of the largest numbers of smokers, Cigarette companies in Indonesia offer CSR activities to both smokers and non-smokers. The objective of this company to understand corporate social responsiveness offered by the cigarette company in Indonesia has an effect on consumer behaviour. To achieve its objective, a study was conducted that discussed the activities of CSR companies in Indonesia in the fields of education, community care, environment, and culture. It also seeks consumer behaviour in Indonesia in buying cigarette products. The results of this study indicate that CSR activities owned by cigarette companies have an effect on consumer behaviour in Indonesia. For more accurate results, this research should explore other variables that can affect corporate social responsibility. Keywords - Corporate Social Responsibilities; Consumer Behaviour; Marketing Strategy.