Paper Title
The Effectiveness of Narrative Therapy with Adlerian Approach on Self – Esteem Children with Physical-Motor Disable in Mashhad of Iran

The frequent Comorbidity of psychological disorder and physical disability is well- documented. Especially in Islamic Societies: minority groups like People with disabilities are exposed to the harms of the laws of Islamic societies. The present study was to investigate the effect of Narrative therapy on self-esteem physical disability in Mashhad. Methods and materials: Of the 120 child sample were included 40 participants who were assigned by random sampling in experimental (N=20) and control group (N=20). Children were completed Cooper Smith Self Esteem Inventory (SEI) in the pre-test, post-test. Data were analyzed by the SPSS 16 and presented with covariance (ANCOVA) test. Alpha level less than .05 was considered significance ( p<0.01). Findings: analysis of ANCOVA showed that there are significant differences between the experimental and control group based on self-esteem in the post-test stage. Conclusion: Results suggest that narrative therapy could be a short and effective treatment and Adlerin-dependent therapies play a distinctive role in overcomingMusclein'spower in a religious revolution like Iran. Keyword: Narrativetherapy, Self-Esteem, Physical-Motor Disable