Paper Title
Feminism and The African Culture: Problems and Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Idichie from her Books; We should all be Feminists and “Dear Ijeala”, or A Feminist Manifestor in Fifteen Suggestions

Although it’s the 21st century, Africa and Africans are still grappling with understanding and fully accepting the concept of feminism. This is a serious conflict for the continent that still expects subservience from the female gender as it is claimed to be defined by its culture. While the rest of the world is already in the third wave of feminism where predominant perspectives in a wide range of areas within societies, ranging from culture to law have been improved, Africa is still struggling with the idea of a feminine gender exercising equal rights with the male. Looking closely at the slow progress of this move in the black continent, it is being realized that it is the resultant effect of lack of proper education on the subject. This paper studies two books on the subject of feminism by the same author Chimamanda Ngozi Idichie. Its draws out the supposed pending problems from one; “We All Should Be Feminists”, and proffers suggestions translating into equal rights, equal treatment, equal opportunity and more in the other; “Dear Ijeala, Or A Feminist Manifestor In Fifteen Suggestions”. Over all, this paper intends to correct the wrong way the subject of feminism is widely viewed in Africa, as an attempt to usurp the rights of the male gender, and as well educate on the need for equality among both genders. Keywords - Feminism, African Culture, Equality, Education, Problems, Suggestions