Paper Title
Legal Problems on Employer Protection under the Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541: A Case Study of Employee Leave

The Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 provides protection for employees in various fields. One of the important points is that employees can take sick leave as long as they are actually sick. The purpose of this research is 1. To study the concept of sick leave of employees under the Labor Protection Act B.E. 2541 and 2. To synthesize legal measures to protect employers in case of sick leave for a long time by using the qualitative research methodology, and the data is collected from the relevant documentary research. The study indicated that the Act requires employees to take sick leave as long as they are actually sick, and the employer shall pay wages to sick employees on sick days equal to the wage rates on working days throughout the leave period. However, it must not exceed 30 working days per annum as it could affect the employer or cause damages to the employer. If employees in the workplaces take sick leave for a long period of time and many employees take several leave at the same time. From the study, there should be measures in various field for protecting the employer in the event that the employee takes a sick leave for a long time to help enabling employers to continue their businesses. Keywords - Sick leave, Labour Protection Act B.E. 2541, employee, employer