Paper Title
The Need to Reform The 1997 Constitution of The Gambia to become A Democratic Country

This research attempt to explore the need to reform the 1997 constitution of The Gambia and propose modern procedure of constitutional reform process for the full participation of citizens so that they can fully take part in making their constitution for the first time in history of The Gambia. The 1997 Constitution is practically named as the ‘Jammeh’s Constitution.This is because it is seen as a true reflection of 22 years rule of Ex-President Jammeh’s government and its dictatorship, which spoil constitutionalism. Therefore this paper will contribute to existing debate and literature related to the justifications of reforming the 1997 constitution. This paper will also provide a comprehensive overview of several amendments for a better understanding of the values and the provisions that add to the process of reforming the constitution and the laws it administers through public consultation. Keywords - Constitutional Reform, Legitimacy, Civil Society, Public Participation