Paper Title
A Development of Resiliency Mobile Application for Community-Based Risk Reduction Management: A Safer Community

Natural disasters have threatened mankind since history started. Based on the study of Wan Nurul Mardiah Wan Mohd Rani et. Al, cities, and its entire system are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and calamities that may occur naturally or man-made. Many susceptible communities to natural disasters that makes harm to the public especially physical hazards. The common misconception of disaster reflects a danger to the community, but the idea of danger leads to a lack of knowledge, preparation, and awareness in a different area. This paper aims to develop a resilient mobile application for a community-based risk reduction management department. The main objective of this paper is to develop a community-based physical hazards monitoring and tracking system through a web-based platform using navigation and optimization techniques of a global positioning system (GPS). Results show that the developed system is effective and useful for the target community using geolocation, barangay officials were able to see the location of all-hazard in the area posted by residents. When the barangay official views the citizen report module, the map is displayed in real-time as per the fact that the residents are connected to the internet. The integration of Google Maps is determining because it gives the location of the hazard on the map and this has been used by the proponent in the system. This is very helpful to Municipality A DRRMO to validate hazards in the area because of the escalation through the evaluation of the different barangay officials of the hazard posed by the residents on the area. Further work can establish partnerships with telecommunication companies for Internet connection services and government units for the presentation of the project concepts. Possible satellite internet connection to enhance the application. Keywords - Resiliency, Community-Based Systems, Physical Hazard, Mobile Application