Paper Title
Healthcare Management Education: Collaborative Learning

Healthcare leaders have a significant role in identifying major challenges in the external environment, strengthening the capacities of their organizations, and leading transformational change. In the United States, healthcare has been in a state of unceasing change because of healthcare reform, changing patient expectations, shortage in the workforce, advancement in medical technology, and unexpected business disruptions in the past decade. The continual and increasingly rapid change in the healthcare landscape requires a new type of healthcare leader with unique skill sets. In response to this emerging demand, there is a need to adopt a new learning module for training healthcare managers and leaders. Collaborative learning provides learners the opportunity to cultivate teamwork, communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. It is recommended that healthcare management programs incorporate collaborative learning into the curriculum to equip future leaders with needed knowledge, skills, and competencies to guide their organizations moving toward a successful journey. Keywords - Collaborative Learning, Case Scenario, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving.