Paper Title
Evaluating and Enhancing an Online Grammar Course

With the aim of helping students consolidate their familiarity with grammar structures, a Small Project Online Course (SPOC) entitled “Upgrading Your Grammar” developed by the English Language Centre of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University has been adopted with a flipped classroom approach in two degree-level EAP classes(N=40). A study has subsequently been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of this online course in facilitating the learningof students with an advanced level of English proficiency. Based on feedback from students, the study results suggested that in general the experience of using the SPOC has been positive. However, needs for further development of the SPOC materials have been identified. This session reports students’views on the course materials and the practical challenges encountered during the implementation of the course. A revision of materials to supplement the integration of the SPOC in the subject will be proposed to enhance the teaching and learning of grammar using “Upgrading Your Grammar”. Keywords - E-Learning; Blended Education; ESL