Paper Title
Capacity Building and Productivity in the Nigerian Civil Service: A National Development Agenda

Capacity building is the process by which individuals and organizations obtain, improve and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment and other resources needed to do their jobs competently. This allows them perform at a greater capacity as itcovers both the structures for conducting training exercise and the personnel who receive the training and, remains at the core of modern organizational management. The precarious state of our public institutions, in its true sense, has made productivity low and development unattainable. This makes the study of human and intellectual capital training needs more significant. It must be captured that civil service in Nigeria has no systematic and strategic training policy for human and intellectual capitals, rather, it organizes training haphazardly for its employees. As a result of this, human and intellectual capitals lack adequate skills, knowledge and attitude necessary for their advancements and job performance. There is also need for adequate provisions of infrastructural facilities such as office accommodation, computer, photocopiers and so on. The study used exploratory approach and secondary method of Data collection and system theory as its theoretical framework. The study therefore recommended that government should make adequate budgetary allocation for the provisions of all necessary facilities. Also, the service of corporate training institutions should be engaged for all government establishments for nonbiased and non-political training programmes and post training performance evaluation should be conducted on a continuous basis. Keywords - Human, Capital, Capacity, Training, Public, Productivity