Paper Title
The Role of Site Analysis as a Good Factor in Architectural Design
Purpose: Architectural site analysis is the act of assessing a given site physically and socially in other to develop a good design solution which will solve the physical and internal context of the place. This paper is to narrate site analysis as a good factor for design. The introduction and literatures of this work shows that the site evaluation and analysis is the back bone of the design in the areas of the topography, orientation, site size, accessibility, rainfall, wind direction, sun rise and sun set.
Methodology: This paper uses the mix use method of quantitative and qualitative analysis. This is the Primary and Secondary type of data collection. This is data gotten from case study method, Existing Literatures, Journals, Internet Browsing, Area survey, oral interviews, questions and personal interviews. This are to explain the advantages of site analysis on the design process and its effects during the working or constructional stage.
Results: Each site has its criteria different from another in the areas of elements such as plants, trees, accessibility, topography, security and soil. This will help the environmentalist and also the architect to determine the conceptualization, shape, sub structures of the design. It is very important as before any design is done, there will be site visitation and study to ascertain and to know the nature of that particular site.
Conclusion: This site analysis covers areas such as location, contours, site features and accessibility. Site analysis plays a major role in architectural education for both students and practicing architects to know the nature of the site where they are to work on. The good analysis of a site factors will help know the building orientation, site circulation and in the site sustainability.
Keywords - Site, Plants, Soil, Analysis, Architect