Paper Title
Development of an Organization Factor Model Affecting Occupational Accidents in the MRT Construction Industry in Malaysia

The construction of Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project in Malaysia is aimed to improving the efficiency of rail transportation particularly for urban users. However, the construction phase of MRT involves many workplace accidents that affect fatality, permanent disability and loss to organizations or individuals.The organization factor is one of the contributing factors to occupational accidents. This paper aimed topropose an assessment of the organization factor model in affecting to occupational accidents in the MRT construction industry in Malaysia by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).To achieved this objective, a survey questionnaire was conducted to obtain data from the MRT construction project around Klang Valley. A total of 180 responses were received from management/ professional and construction site workers group. CFA was performed by using IBM SPSS-AMOS to validate the proposed model by examining the relationships between the observed variables and the latent variables. The latent variables are the organization factor; occupational safety and health (OSH) policy; resources management; organization safety culture; and OSH management. Whereas the observed variables are 31 items for all four aspects under organization factor. The CFA result validates that the organization factor model in affecting to occupational accidents for MRT construction industry consists of all four aspects studied. The organization factor model has been successfully developed and can be used as a guide by all MRT construction stakeholders where suitable improvement measures can be taken in order to prevent occupational accidents from occurring in the future. Keywords - Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Organization Factor, Construction Industry, Occupational Accidents, Occupational Safety, Mass Rapid Transit.