Paper Title
How is Technology Accepted by Users? A Review of Technology Acceptance Models and Theories
This paper provides a literature review of the popular theories and models of technology acceptance of relevance to today�s technology developments in the 4E context. The original technology acceptance model (TAM) was derived from the theory of reasoned action and has since been developed and extended to includefactors of age, gender, prior experience, ability, etc. It provides the framework to measure users� perceptions of and intentions to use technology within and across organisations. Through research TAM has been empirically proven to be a robustmodel for understanding end-user adoption of technology and for examining the acceptance of new and developing technology by users with different characteristics in different organisations. The flexibility of TAM to be extended and modified to take into account other relevant factors makes it a powerful framework. This paper identifies the underpinning theories and potential application ina concise way and concludes that TAM has and will provide underpinning for further understanding of the pedagogy-technology-epistemology relationship in the development of technology use.
Keywords� E-Education, E-Learning, Epistemology, Information Technology, Perceptions, Technology Acceptance.