Paper Title
A Model and Framework for Alumni Tracking and Information System

Alumni are graduates of any higher education institution (HEI) that plays a vital role in the attainment of quality education. They are considered as the institution’s most valuable asset and serve as the role model to students and to the community. In Oman, HEIs are facing difficulty in establishing, managing and maintaining connections with alumni and other stakeholders. Hence, this paper aims to design a theoretical framework for an alumni tracking information system that would help in establishing an online communication between HEIs and their alumni. This project aims to design a web-based alumni tracking information system that is highly needed by institutions in Oman to meet the requirements of Standard 5 of the Oman Academic Accreditation Authority (OAAA) and stakeholders. This project is not only aligning an HEI’s strategic directions towards the improvement of the quality of programmes that an HEI is offering but also strengthening of placement and linkages where alumni are deemed as potential stakeholders and also to transform an HEI’s system into automation and paperless alumni related transactions. Keywords - Alumni, higher education, information system, tracer study.