Paper Title
Organizational Attractiveness and Intention to Stay: Exploring the Moderator of Employee Proactive Personality

This research attempts to examine the relationship between organizational attractiveness and employee intention to stay. Literature indicates that there are five characteristics of a cultivating employer: offering jobs (a) aligned with employee interests, (b) fulfilling social needs, (c) providing economic advantages, (d) full of developmental experiences and (e) with opportunities for applying knowledgelearned at school. For a better understanding of how companies can effectively retain employee active in career pursuing, we treat employee proactive personality as a moderator between organizational attractiveness dimensions and intention to stay. To test for the research hypotheses, a questionnaire survey is administered to employees from an insurance company and a building management company. A total of sixty valid questionnaires are returned. Of them, thirty questionnaires are from each of both companies. Hierarchical regression analysis is used to assess the moderating effect of employee proactive personality on the relationship between organizational attractiveness and employee intention to stay. The results show that the relationship between the attractiveness dimension of development and intention to stay is enhanced by employee proactive personality. In contrast, the relationship between the attractiveness dimension of economic advantages and intention to stay is neutralized by proactive personality. These interesting findings are consistent with prior research that organizations successful in retaining talented employees focus on paving a career path for their employees to develop their full potential within the organizations. These findings have profound implications for Human Resource Management to invest resources in various functions. That is, an increase in financial incentives does not further motivate career pursuers but a growth of provision of employee development does. Keyword - Career, Employee Development, Intention To Stay,Organizational Attractiveness,Proactive Personality