Paper Title
The Intra-industry Trade in Vegetable and Fruit Products between China and Vietnam

China is linked to Vietnam’s territorial borders. The two countries have a close political andeconomic relationship. The two sides are friendly countries. Since 1991, the trade between the twocountries has gradually recovered and developed rapidly, showing a thriving scene. Both China and Vietnam are agricultural countries. In the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, the fruit and vegetable trade is an important development direction.This research starts from the theory of intra-industry trade, analyzes the factors that affect the intra-trade of China and Vietnam fruit and vegetable industry through China-Vietnam fruit and vegetable trade data from 2007 to 2018, and puts forward corresponding suggestions. The research in this article is conducive to the smooth progress of fruit and vegetable trade between the two countries, and at the same time to improve the capacity of fruit and vegetable production and trade between the two countries. Keywords - Fruit and Vegetable Products; Intra-Industry Trade; China;Vietnam