Paper Title
The Effectiveness of Active Assessment Instrument in Handball Game based on Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)

The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of ACTIVE Assessment Instrument in handball game based on Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach. The instrument was measured based on the validity value (r =.83) and the interobserver agreement reliability (M = 78%). The instrument determined the level and looked at differences in learning achievement by school and gender categories (Religious School (p = 0.228), Daily School (p = 0.967), Full Boarding School (p = 0.126)). In addition, the effectiveness of ACTIVE Assessment Instrument was determined through teacher agreement questionnaires with the percentage obtained being 89.41%. The design of the study was one-way pre-experimental method. The study area was located at the secondary schools of Hulu Selangor district. The sample consisted of 18 Physical Education teachers and 448 Form 4 students. The results showed that the validity and reliability of ACTIVE Assessment Instrument was high. The results also showed that there were no significant differences in learning achievement between boarding schools, religious schools and daily schools. It was concluded that ACTIVE Assessment Instrument is a standard measure of student achievement especially in terms of decision making in game situations. This instrument can also serve as a guide for improving the quality of teaching and learning assessment. This study has produced ACTIVE Assessment Instrument that can be used to assess student learning achievement for handball game based on Teaching Games for Understanding approach. Keywords - ACTIVE Assessment Instrument, Handball, Physical Education, Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU)