Paper Title
Sustainable Finance: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Scientific Literature
To achieve prosperity through a more sustainable, equitable and robust economic growth, one must not neglect the role of the most important drivers of all economies, financial capital. The financial system (as the main provider of financial capital) needs to adapt by embracing sustainability principles and practices and integrate them within all its processes. As the paper will further reveal, the topics related to ‘sustainable finance’ continue to grow in number and importance, clearly becoming an ardent subject in the agenda of numerous governments, regulators, international organizations, private entities and, not least, financial institutions. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview on the scientific literature that conceptually and/or empirically addresses topicsrelated to sustainable finance. Using a bibliometric approach and a dataset of 1724 research materials extracted from Scopus (covering the period 1991-2019), we identify key emerging research trends in sustainable finance and provide a platform for academics upon which they could start building their own research on the topic.
Keywords - Sustainable Finance, Sustainable Development, Bibliometric Analysis, Scopus, VOSviewer.