Paper Title
Exporting Situation Key Agricultural Products Group of Vietnam Coffee, Cashew, Pepper in the Integration Context: An Evaluation by Grey Forecasting Method.

Agricultural products are one of the important export industries of Vietnam, making a positive contribution to the overall export turnover of the country. However, besides the efforts and achievements, Vietnam's agricultural exports are facing many difficulties and challenges in the context of integration. How to take advantage of opportunities to overcome challenges that are a problem that needs to be addressed. In this paper, we concentrate on predicting the export output of coffee, cashew, and pepper in Vietnam from 2000 to 2019 which applied to the Grey differential model or the GM (1,1) model. As stated in the guesstimate result, the average residual error of the Grey forecast model is over 5%. The model predicts that the total export output will be got fluctuations each year. This proposed method supposedly improves the forecasting accuracy of the original Grey models as well as provide a valuable reference for Vietnamese agriculturist and the industrial production to make the optimal project for the future. Keywords - Agricultural Products, Coffee, Cashew, Pepper, Export Industries, GM (1,1), Grey Theory, Forecasting