Paper Title
Quality Management Occupations Analysis: The Case of Serbia

Quality management is marked as an important element for organizations in achieving better performance and adaptability with upcoming market demands. To investigate quality management occupations, we analyzed 1013 profiles on the LinkedIn professional network in Serbia. Gained information by LinkedIn profiles allowed for better inferences of current situation about quality-related job positions in Serbia. Findings indicate that there is a range of non-standardized and confusing occupational titles and descriptions. To tackle this problem, standardized occupational titles according to the description of workplaces in the field of quality management are given for the Serbian market. In general, this study may help in prioritizing strategies aimed at improving the job systematization in the field of quality management, by clearly defined roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities in organizations. Standardizing jobs in terms of a title but also a description would reduce misunderstanding among employees, owners, managers, and decision-makers. Keywords - Quality Management, Workplaces, Occupations, Serbia