Paper Title
The Sidewalk Structuring Strategy as an Interactive Pedestrian (Case Study: Jalan Stasiun Pondok Cina, Depok)

This study was motivatedby a conflict of interest between pedestrians and other road users (informal vendors and motorized vehicles). As one of the areas included in the effort to develop 5 (five) transit points of the transit city of Depok, Jalan Stasiun Pondok Cina is important and interesting to develop. This road connects Jalan Margonda Raya as the main road from Jakarta-Depok with Pondok Cina Commuter line Station/ University of Indonesia Campus. Another interesting factor that characterizes this road is that the majority of road users are students who are young at heart, dynamic and need space to support interaction while waiting for public transportation such as TransJakarta and Commuter line. This study was conducted to obtain a new sidewalk model as an interactive pedestrian and pedestrian-friendly sidewalk. From the formulation of the problem, a descriptive method will be carried out. a descriptive method is carried out to make a description, description systematically factually and accurately regarding the facts, characteristics and relationships between the phenomena investigated. This description is obtained through field observations, interviews and data from relevant agencies. The method of the approach taken to achieve the predetermined goals is the Identification of Design Norms; Identification of Comparative Studies and Identification of Potentials and Problems. The results of this study are in the form of a redesign of the sidewalk which functions as a pedestrian interactive and pedestrian friendly. Keywords - Conflicts of Interest, Pedestrian Interactive, and Pedestrian Friendly