Paper Title
Bringing Literature to Life: An Alternative Assessment using an Online Animation to Teach Complex Concepts in Medical Imaging

Introduction: Automatic film processing (AFP), an image processing concept, was the gold standard in all radiography departments, which is now beingrapidly replaced by digital systems, both globally and in South Africa.However, many rural areas across the globe still depend on AFP to provide radiographic services to their communities. The Challenge identified is that there is limited training opportunity for students to engage with this equipment. This led to the development of ananimation, to provide the students with a contemporary visual understanding of the system as well as a form part of alternative assessment for learning purposes. Aim: To describestudents’ perceptions after engaging with the online animation which was used as an alternate assessment tool for AFP concepts, in the second-year radiographic technique module. Methodology:A qualitative research design was adopted. Second year radiography students were asked to engage with the animation without a voice over and subtitles. Following this they were requested to do research to create the voice over for the animation in a written essay format. Students then wrote reflective reports regarding their experience and focus group interviews will be conducted to further explorethe student’s experiences of using the animation as an alternative assessment tool to teach automatic film processing concepts. Content analysis was used to analyse the data. Results: The animation provided a visual aid to learning AFP. This visual aid proved to be more effective for students whose learning style was predominantly visual. Students who indicated written and verbal learning styles showed that they did not benefit from the animation directly, however the research done to provide the “voice over” proved to an effective learning experience. Keywords - Alternative Assessment, Automatic Film Processing, Online Animation Radiography