Paper Title
An Improved Wiener Filter in Generalized Sidelobe Canceller System based Speech Presence Probability

The author proposes a new algorithm to suppress background noise and nonstationary directional interference noise in a speech enhancement system that employs the generalized sidelobe canceller. The suggested approach builds on advances in Generalized Sidelobe Canceller design involving the estimation on speech presence probability, which incorporated in a recursive formulation to estimate Winer filter. The results show the reduction of target speech suppression about 15 (dB), and the ratio signal-to-noise SNR increases about 19.7-28 (dB). The algorithmic improvements gives consistently performance than the conventional Generalized Sidelobe Canceller. Keywords - Microphone Array, Dual-Microphone, Generalized Sidelobe Canceller, Noise Reduction, Speech Presence Probability, Wiener Filter.