Paper Title
Exploring Parenting Stress among Parents of Children with and Without Disabilities in Chengdu, China

This exploratory study used the Parenting Stress Index – Short Form (PSI-SF) to find out parenting stress among parents of children with and with disabilities in Chengdu, China. Thirty-one parents were recruited. A simple sample t-test showed that this sample had higher stress levels in the total stress, parental distress, parent-child interaction dysfunction, and difficult child. Also, one-way ANOVA showed that age of the child was a significant predictor of the total stress and difficult child; and the number of children a parent has was significant on parental distress level. The presence of disability was not associated with parenting stress. Future research aims to examine parents of children with disabilities at the early stage following the initial diagnosis. Keywords - Parenting stress, disabilities, Parenting Stress Index, and young children.