Paper Title
Status of Physical Education in Northern and Southern States of India
The purpose of the study was to highlight the Status of Physical Education in Northern and Southern States of India at Government Schools i.e. Punjab, Haryana and Kerala. Data for the investigation was derived from self-made check list. The focus was mainly around the physical infrastructure, human resources, sports fund status, status of physical education subject, total number of Government schools and the sports achievements at School National level of under the banner of School Game Federation of India. Through survey researcher was collect valuable data regarding status of physical education in northern and southern states of India. The study was design to investigate the status of physical education in northern and southern states of India. Self-made check list was used to collect the information of schools of Punjab, Haryana and Kerala. The result of the study that in Punjab, high schools have more no of Government Schools 295 and 738 as compared to Haryana and Kerala, respectively. In statistically result show that in total no of Govt. schools leaded by Haryana, Punjab than Kerala 7372, 5123 and 4480, respectively. The result show total no of human resources recruited leaded by Punjab, Kerala than Haryana 73.49%, 46.42% and 46.05%. Status of sports fund was released by Govt. to Government High and Senior Secondary schools leading by Kerala, Haryana and Punjab state 6Crore, 3Crore and 1Crore 38 Lacks, respectively. In the Physical Infrastructure related to Assembly Hall, Hockey, Kabaddi, Basketball, Badminton, Kho-Kho, Volleyball, Cricket, Handball, Football, Sports Hall, Sports Store Room and Boxes to keep Equipment were found 100% available in Punjab, Haryana and Kerala States, but Swimming Pool, Lawn tennis, Flood lights and Indoor Stadium were 100% available only in Government Schools of Kerala and Standard Track and Gym were 100% available only in Government Schools of Punjab and Kerala. Netball Court was 100% available in Government Schools of Punjab and Haryana. In Punjab School Education Board Physical Education is a compulsory subject for all Students at high School level and in Haryana and Kerala School Education Board Physical Education is a optional subject at high school level but in all boards evaluation of the students as per grade system and weightages of theory and practical’s were 30-70, 60-40 and 40-60, respectively. The result of SGFI games show that top 3rd, 4th and 5th positions got by Haryana, Kerala and Punjab respectively.
Keywords - Status, India, Punjab, Haryana, Kerala, Government, Sports Achievements, National