Paper Title
Enabling Factors of Smoking Behavior among Fishermen On Kodingareng Island

Smoking or breathing cigarette smoke is one of the risk factors that triggers the emergence of health problems such as non-communicable diseases. Highest smokers based on data basic health research Year 2013 is found in workers as fishermen ( 44.5% ). The purpose of this study is to explore the enabling factors of smoking behavior in fishermen. This research was conducted in Kodingareng Island, Sangkarrang Islands District, Makassar City. The research method uses descriptive qualitative. Datawere collected from August 2018 to July 2019 with in-depth interviews and observation techniques. Data analysis uses content analysis. The selection of informants uses purposive sampling technique. There were 19 informants, consisting of 13 fishermen, 3 community leaders, 2 cigarette sellers and 1 Community Health Promotion Officer. The results showed enabling factors that facilitate smoking behavior in fishermen, namely the existence of a quota from the skipper who gives cigarettes every day to the crew when going to sea, the gift from friends, ease of access to obtain cigarettes and the existence of cigarette sponsors. This condition makes it easy for fishermen to become active smokers. It is recommended that further research be done regarding models for controlling smoking behavior, especially for fishermen in the islands. Keywords - Fishermen, Smoking Behavior, Enabling Factors