Paper Title
Digitalization Barriers to Economics
The purpose of research is to explore the barriers of digitization for economy development. Intention for society digitization predicates that collection and processing of growing data amount ensures new unlimited source for innovative activities. However, throughout all scientific and technological progress, data amount grew up with rate outstripping intellectual and computational power of economy to process it. Digitization is no exception. Procedures and information of research include study of IT sector as a source point for innovations development in the society digitization environment. Analytical reports of consulting IT companies (IDC, McKinsey), study results of IT adoption experience for the enterprises activities, official statistics data became the evidential base of the research. Research methodology includes approaches to efficiency assessment of data access, IT usage efficiency evaluation for economy tasks. Results of research revealed the barriers of efficient access to the digital data for enterprises in their innovative activities. At the same time amount of digital data grows exponentially due to Internet of things distribution and increasing citizens contacts frequency with digital services and platforms. There are barriers of data access and IT-efficiency.
Keywords - Innovation, Digitalization, Information Technology, Data Access, IT-efficiency