Paper Title
National Identity and Cultural Identity Towards The Helvetologic Approach

In 2014, the University of Warsaw presented for the first time the assumptions of Helvetology, i.e. a new research domain created by the research team headed by Professor Robert Małecki. According to the concept presented at the time, Helvetology is a new research field involving transdisciplinary and transcultural research on Switzerland, combining the humanistic perspective with the perspective of social and cognitive sciences (see Kosacka / Małecki, Szanse, 2015, p. 19). The main goal of Helvetology is the integration of scientific disciplines recognized until now as separate, such as linguistics, cultural studies and literary studies, using a transgressive research perspective going beyond the homogeneously perceived cultural areas of the German-, French- and Italian-speaking part of Switzerland. The purpose of this article is to analyze the process of shaping national identity and cultural identity: from the concept of individual identity, through the concept of group identity, and to answer the question whether in the case of Switzerland the concepts of national identity and cultural identity apply, and if so, how they are treated in helvetologic perspective. Keywords - Helwetology, Transcultural Studies, National Identity, Cultural Identity.