Paper Title
Effects of Using The Inquiry Learning Method with The Investigation Experiment on Enhancing Science Process Skills

This research aims to study the effects of using the inquiry learning method with the investigation experiment on enhancing science process skills of 12th grade students. Researchers collect 21 samples who are students from Darunsikkhalai School (SCiUS Project) by purposive sampling. Thenceforth, the scientific process skills were measured using the essay test developed by the researcher, which passed the quality determination in both reliability and validity. Consequently, the researcher provided treatments by inquiry-based learning with investigative experiments following by lesson plan, which would be six times of instruction. In each classroom content, the teacher starts to ask questions and convinces the student to try to find the answer by experimenting with the use of electricity as main character. Meanwhile, the researcher evaluated the scientific process skills from writing experimental reports with self-designed rubric. This rubric is divided into evaluating both basic skills and integrated skills of scientific process that each level consists of three levels: high, middle and low. Finally, the science process skills were measured again with the same test before and compared an average score with the Wilcoxon test statistics. The result found out the sample developed a basic skills of scientific process in a high level faster than integrated skills. Moreover, when the pretest and posttest score of the science process skills of the sample group was compared pointing out that the sample group had an average science process skills posttest higher than pretest (Z = -4.020 and Sig. = 0.000) with the .05 statistically significance level. Keywords - Inquiry Based Learning, Investigation Experiment, Science Process Skills.