Paper Title
Economic Benefits from Waste Management in Hotel Business: A Case Bangkok Thailand

Currently, green strategies such asrecycling ofwasteshavea great potential to benefit the economy. The hotel industry contributes tosignificant solid waste management (SWM) problems, especially in urban areas like Bangkok, Thailand.Here,waste generation from hotels has continuously increased due to greater numbers of visitors. Overall, 9,873 tonnes/day or 3.603 million tonnes/year of waste is being generated in the Bangkok.Out of that, only 3% is incinerated, 10% is converted into fertilizers and the remaining 87% goes into landfills. The hotel industry is one of the major contributors of organic/wet waste deposited into landfills. Waste generated from hotels consists of recyclable and organic wastes. This paper aims to examine hotel based solid waste generation, its composition as well as its reuse and recycling. The currentstudy analyzed the economic feasibility of waste management projects employing methods such as recycling of organic waste materials through cost benefit analysis. The gainsof waste recycling management projects are categorized as direct and indirect benefits. These types of projects increase revenue from the sale of recyclable wastes as well as cost savings from the use biogas produced from organic wastes. Other savings arise from the use organic fertilizer produced through such projects instead of purchasing chemical fertilizers.For example, bio-fermentative conversion of fruit waste to cleaning products via a proprietary process resulted inreduced municipal charges for disposal and management of food and solid wastes. The results show that waste recycling is economically feasible and suggests a better system for waste management. Keyword: Waste Management, Hotel Waste Management, Feasibility