Paper Title
Cybercounseling: Answering the Challenges of Professional School Counselors in the Era of Disruption

Interactions were intense between students with world virtual and the rapid flow of information that is not unstoppable, tends to create a paradigm new about the health mental. Students become very vulnerable to conflict, easily affected by disturbances sleep, stress, frustration, depression severe and things are more destructive others. By that reasons, the counselor needs to take on a role that is far more to enter into the world of digital to bring professionalism of program services. The process of counseling also be very important and emotional because it involves various kinds of feelings, values, behaviors, and interventions that vary in it. By maximizing responsive services in counseling and counseling programs, counselors can provide treatment in an appropriate, fast and alert manner to adolescents who experience crisis. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. This article will critically examine how responsive services can be poured into professional and integrated digital services. In addition, this article will also explore mental health trends and ways a professional works in accordance with the demands and developments of the times. Keywords - Counseling Online, Counseling Service, Stress, Cyber Counseling, Responsive Service