Paper Title
Evaluation Criteria Of Stego System

Digital steganography is an art and science of secret communication. It is a branch of information hiding. Communication occurs in a covert manner such that the existence of communication is not detectable by hiding the secret message into digital cover media. The cover media may be image, audio, video, text hard disk partition or any redundant digital media. There are many steganographic tools available on the Internet in the public domain. Anybody or any organization can freely download and use these tools for secret communication for good or evil purpose. The anti-social organizations and terrorist organizations may use it for harming the society. I have surveyed many steganographic tools available in the digital world. There are different categories of steganographic tools e.g. image steganographic tools, audio steganographic tools, video steganographic tools. The image steganographic tools are most popular and easily available on the internet and new image steganographic tools are developed and uploaded on the Internet frequently. So I have studied image steganographic techniques and many tools based on this technique. Steganalysis is the art and science of detecting messages hidden using steganography. Detection of steganography, estimation of message length hidden in stego media and extraction of the message belong to the field of steganalysis. Steganalysis is very challenging and difficult task. There are only a few steganalytic tools available on the Internet. There are two branches of steganalysis, namely blind steganalysis and technique specific steganalysis. I have done the technique specific analysis of some LSB based image steganographic tools. The tools have been downloaded from the Internet and then installed on my PC. The database of cover images and stego images have been created using each tool. Based on the steganalysis, we can grade the stego system from weakest to strongest as from Grade 0 to Grade 5. Keywords-Steganalysis; Steganography; Classification; Steganography Tools, Parameters.