Paper Title
School Heads and Teachers Perceived Attitudes Towards Technical Assistance: Basis For A Professional Scaffolding Program

Technical assistance for teachers and school heads gained various reactions in the field. This study looked into the phenomenon of technical assistance to enhance instruction. This served as an authentic way of getting information from the field to suggest ways in improving TA implementation. The research is descriptive wherein the responses of the participants were collected through a research-made questionnaire. Data gathered were properly tabulated, computed and interpreted. Follow-up unstructured interview was conducted to validate responses. The researcher identified the varied schema off the participants regarding TA. The participants considered technical assistance as very important scheme in enhancing personal development and professional development of teachers. The proposed professional scaffolding program may be of great help in continuously assisting the teachers and school heads. The research is limited to the development of technical assistance implementation scheme at Sto. Tomas District. The study will be of great help to PSDS who wanted to enhance their implementation of TA. Keywords - Scaffolding Program, Technical Assistance, School Based Management, Supervision and Administration.