Paper Title
Analysis of The Effect of The Development For Foreign Companies in Indonesia and Its Impact on Opportunities for Use and Local Labor

The development of foreign companies in Indonesia, opening up employment opportunities for foreign and local workers, has positive and negative influences. The entry of foreign workers is complementary to local workers, in the production process, the entry of foreign workers makes local workers more productive at work because of the transfer of knowledge and transfer of jobs to local workers so that they can do the work they carry, one foreign worker can be accompanied by 10 people local power. This means that the presence of a foreign company is positive because it accommodates local workers and vice versa. The purpose of the study is: explaining foreign workers who have expertise accompanied by 10 local workers for the transfer of knowledge and transfer of jobs, analyzing foreign workers and local workers who have skill workers and unskill workers, and describe foreign workers and local workers who work in foreign companies. The approach used is descriptive, correlational analytic, and developmental. The population is foreign workers and local workers, while the sampling is 233 people. The types of data are primary and secondary. Data collection methods are interviews, Focus Group Discussion and documentation. Data were analyzed through qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results showed that education with age 307 ** means that the relationship between education level and age is very close. The relationship between marital status and age -197 ** means that the relationship between marital status and age is very close. Relationship between sex and country of origin 133 * means the relationship between sex and country of origin is quite close. The relationship between marital status and education 132 * means that the relationship between education level and marital status is quite close. The relationship between the country of origin and education is .245 ** means that the relationship between education and the country of origin is very close. The relationship between the country of origin and education -.149 * it means that the relationship between marital status and country of origin is quite close Keywords - Age, Education, Marital Status, Sex