Paper Title
Investigation on The Consumer Behaviour of Saudi Arabia's Young Male Generation

The objective of this research is to investigate the consumer behaviour of the young generation of Saudi Arabia in terms of their buying habits, fashion preferences, opinions about self-perception, and interests, activities, and time management. Previous literatures have found that Saudi Arabia’s young population has increased tremendously. Currently, about seventy percent of Saudis are below thirty years old. The amounts of disposable income and purchases that they have generated have been growing year-on-year. Thus, their influence in shaping the business environment is also rapidly increasing. Self-administered surveys completed by more than two hundred respondents have been obtained. The results showed that the young generation of Saudi Arabia are more open-minded and receptive to new experiences. As they integrate the global culture into their lives, they leave behind the consumption of traditional media like TV and magazines as well as local products. This transition, however, is greatly bounded by their religion and desire to maintain a good moral. Given the fact that this segment is highly profitable, the knowledge of their behaviour is important for marketers so that they are able to capture value from them. Keywords - Consumer Behaviour; Saudi; Youth; Saudi Arabia