Paper Title
Role of Maritime Shipping to Meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS)
In the modern world, whereas 90% of the freight cargo is transported by sea, it is important to discuss the question whether sea transport can contribute to the achievement of the UN's sustainable development goals or how well it is connected to one another.The Agenda 2030 states that sustainable transportation systems, accessible, reliable, sustainable and modern energy supply, accessibility of quality and stable infrastructure and other potential to increase productivity, promote a strong economic basis for all countries.Sustainable maritime shipping is an important issue and in connection with sustainable development goals, which in turn ensures the efficiency and sustainability of shipping.The International Maritime Organization, as a specialized agency of the United Nations and the main regulator of the marine field tries to contribute to sustainable development goals and make international shipping more effective and sustainable, all this is ensured by the implementation of SDG goals in the Conventions, Regulations and Law.
Keywords - IMO, Maritime Shipping, SDGs, Sustainability