Paper Title
Spouse Support and Work-Family Conflict of Household Moms who Work in Police Department of Special Region of Yogyakarta-Indonesia

This study aims to determine the relationship between spouse support and work-family conflict (WFC). The hypothesis is a negative correlation between spouse support and WFC in housewives who work. Subjects in this study were housewives who worked as a policewoman or a permanent employee in the Police Department of Yogyakarta-Indonesia, with the total of 119 respondents. This study used Sparman Rho correlations to determine the relationship between spouse support and WFC. The result of the significant value of r = 0.276, p = 0.001 (p <0.01), then, the hypothesis is accepted. This means there is a negative relationship between spouse support and WFC in housewives who work. So, the higher the value of the spouse support, then the lower the work-family conflict is, and vice versa. Keywords - Female Roles, Spouse Support, Work-Family Conflict.