Paper Title
Adoption of Blockchain Technology by The Financial Institutions of Pakistan
The advent of disruptive innovative technology in developed nations are emerging as a new instrument to improve the traditional banking system indeveloping nations. The adoption of distributed ledger technology isindeed a necessary condition for the coming future of financial markets.The purpose of this study is to explore the current challenges and opportunities for adoption of blockchain technologyby the financial institutions of Pakistan.To analyzed the data a Structural equation model is used and emprirical data is collected from a sample of 202 financial experts working in the banking sector of Pakistan. Results confirm that currently Scalability is a big challengeforadoption of a new disruptive technology. In contrary in the coming future results show that DLT have the significant role for reducing the cost for online transactions, improving the traceability of information, increase the security, transparency, immutability, and audibility of financial insitutions.This study offers novel insights to the Governement of Pakistan for encouraging all the public and private sector organizations to reducemanual andpaper based system, rebuild trust with citizens, become transparent and start thinking in terms of larger interests of the state in challenging technological times ahead.
Keywords- Block Chain Technology, Financial Institutions, Transparency, Traceability, Cost, Structural equation modeling