Paper Title
Evaluation Of Contemporary Physical Activity Tracking Technologies

Active living is a way of life that promotes health and active behavior. Technology in modern life can either act as a barrier for active living or facilitate this lifestyle, depending on which technology people choose to use in their everyday lives. Finding a technology that facilitates an individuals� physical workout and motivates and promotes physical activity levels, requires investigation of the current technical options available. Physical activity monitoring technology has a range of types, mechanisms and capabilities. Physical activity trackers are also varied in their way of attachment to individuals� bodies. For example, they can be little devices attached to users� bodies, such as waist-clips or wrist-bands, or they can be applications installed in their mobiles or tablets. This paper is a part of our ongoing research in active living technology. Our path of research seeks to find the most applicable and accurate types of these devices. We aim through the work presented in this research to examine some of the current available physical activity monitors including Fitbit One, Fitbit Flex, Jawbone UP and Health iPhone application. Variation has been observed in physical activity data based on where monitors are held or attached to users� bodies. Keywords � Activity Monitoring, Physical Activity, Active Living Technology, Fitbit, Jawbone, Health Applications.