Paper Title
Case Study On Human Colonization Of Triton
Mankind on Earth has been beset by problems such as overpopulation, pollution, overuse of natural resources which have impacted Earth and its life forms. In the event of a catastrophe which will no doubt cause extermination of a species, an alternative permanent human habitat at other planetary bodies becomes increasingly inevitable. One of the preferred locations are the asteroids, mars, moon but in the future more and more colonies will need to be exploited to compensate for the resource scarcity back home , hence the moons of the gas giants are the next favorable targets as the gas giants themselves have no solid crust or surface and possess a powerful magnetosphere . Jupiter for instance, has a magnetosphere 98 times more powerful than that of earth. The atmospheric pressure hence in such planets are immense and cannot be colonized . The moons of these giants however are potential targets.
This paper will observe the feasibility of colonization of Neptune�s moon Triton and Theoretical Explanations as to why should it be chosen for a potential permanent settlement. This paper will be a follow up paper to the topic �An insight into the comparisons of space colonization of heavenly bodies in the inner solar system�.