Paper Title
Curcumin and Piperazin in Association with Chemotherapy Protocolfor Cutaneous Lymphoma: Animal Clinical Report

Cancer represents an important public health challenge, and its occurrence has been increasingly observed in human and veterinary medicine. Canine lymphoma is classified according to its anatomical location, and can be categorized in non-epitheliotropic when originating from B cells, or epitheliotropic when originating from T cells. The anticancer activity of turmeric was found by the capability of inducing apoptosis, reduction of metastatic potential and inhibition of proliferation of different tumor types. Thus, the objective of this study was to present an animal clinical case reporting the association of Curcuma longa Linn. with piperine in association with chemotherapy, for cutaneous lymphoma treatment. The phytotherapeutic treatment was proceeded every 12 hours, using Turmeric tablets, and the chemotherapy protocol (CHOP) was a combination of doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vincristine and prednisone. The patient had partial response characterized by more than 50% of tumor regression diameter. However, the lesions relapsed at the sixth week of protocol. Then, lomustine was used with for the purpose, and partial remission was again achieved. The 19 weeks protocol was finalized, but complete remission was not possible. A maintenance protocol with metronomic therapy was introduced using cyclophosphamide for 10 consecutive mounths. Just when the clinical condition was significantly compromised by the difficulty of locomotion due to claudication caused by ulcerated nodule in the thoracic limb, the euthanasia was performed. So, this treatment demonstrated the benefitof a co-adjuvant therapy for the chemotherapy protocol cancer treatment. Keywords - Cancer, Curcuma Longa Lin., Medicinal Plants, Natural Treatment, Saffron.