Paper Title
The Effect Of Android Phone To Scientific Knowledge Of Teenagers (A Case Study Of High School Students Of Sma 1 Kabandungan)

Today, the development of technology rapidly struck Indonesia includes mobile technology. Based on data from the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (2013) mobile phone users in Indonesia reached 270 million. The uses of mobile phones provide a great influence for life, especially students in Indonesia, both positive and negative impacts. The negative impact is the high dependence on the use of mobile phone. The positive impact is the effect on the improvement of the scientific knowledge of students. It will change the behavior and mindset of the students indirectly, especially in learning at school. This research is to determine how much the influence the use of scientific knowledge android phone to teenagers of high school students of SMA Negeri 1 Kabandungan. The method is performed in the form of direct observation to SMA Negeri 1 Kabandungan by distributing a questionnaire to all students of SMA Negeri 1 Kabandungan. The results showed that 95.5% and 86.4% good influence in a row on users and respondents who had used the phone android. The level of use for users and which have ever used successively that is sms and telephone 22.0%, google translate 16.7%, social media 23.8% and 21.6%, video 4.8% and 2.3 %, and games 13.7% and 13.6%, browsing 15.0% and 15.9%, other 4% and 2.8%. This research also shows that most of respondents 51.2% and 48.8% are users and the users claimed that the use of mobile phones using android is increasing their scientific knowledge. Keywords� Android Phone, Scientific Knowledge, Students.