Paper Title
Hydrochemical Characteristics and Application of PCA to Waters of the Bouira Watershed

Water shortage is recognized as one of the key issues facing many countries. However, the water demand is still increasing due to population growth and higher standard of living. A several water resources are available in Algeria. Unfortunately majority of these ressources are not quantified. The physicochemical analysis of water ressources can play a very important role in future water management and prospective sustainable living in Algeria. In this work, special attention is given to the source waters of the Bouira region. The objective of this work is to contribute of water quantification from recovered sources at different sites of Bouira. Bouira is located north of Algeria. The characterization of these sources allowed us to evaluate quantitatively and qualitatively the quality of waters in the region of Bouira. Hydrochemical and staistical method were used for chemical analysis The analysis of the samples have concerned the physical and chemical parameters such as pH, temperature, conductivity and ions of Ca2+ , Mg2+ , Na+, K+, SO42- , NO3-, NO2-, HCO3-, Cl- and PO43-. The use of the Piper and Stabler diagram, the correlation matrix and the statistical analysis of the data by the PCA made it possible to carry out a hydrochemical study of these source waters and to know their chemical facies and to classify them. Statistical analysis of the data allowed us to note that a significant correlation existed between certain parameters and also to identify the distribution of the mineralization of these waters. The various analyzes carried out on samples of water from the Bouira region have revealed the behavior of some parameters describing the physicochemical water quality. Descriptive analysis of physical and chemical parameters showed that the main elements measured in groundwater in this region for the different sampling stations indicate a difference in concentration between the different measuring stations. Analyses are performed by UV-Visible spectrophotometry, flame spectrophotometry and atomic absorption. Keywords - Groundwater, Water Analysis, Physical-Chemical Parameters, Piper Diagram, PCA.