Paper Title
Cyber Security - A Pillar for Smart Cities

Smart City (SC) is a concept that is differently defined in the literature and can be described as a concept that refers to a technology-based integration of both social and economic aspects of a city in order to sustain sustainable and resilient development. Due to technological development, a large number of smart city services and processes are based on technological infrastructures, information systems and digital networks, which must be secured and managed in such a way as to support the control of the SC processes. Various guidelines for the management and control of IT such as ISO 270xx, COBIT and ITIL have been presented. On the other hand, Cybersecurity is one of the most recent trends and concerns regarding IT security in general and, in particular, in terms of Intelligent Infrastructure. Following a method of action to answer the question Is Cybersecurity a necessary pillar of SCs?, it was applied a series of cybersecurity checklists to a real case of a middle city board with a defined SC structure. It may be over and done with that it is possible to achieve the objectives that should be associated with the relationship between SCs and Cybersecurity, and to obtain specific and important information in the specification of a learning method in order to achieve the proposed intentions and to defuse the planned question. Keywords – Cyber Security, Smart Cities, Information Technology.