Paper Title
Security Dilemma, Fear, and Threat Perception in Vietnam Invasion of Cambodia

This study explores the reasons why Vietnam decided to invade Cambodia in 1978 by using the concept of security dilemma, fear, and threat perception. According to the study, the most important factor which led these two countries to enter into,yet another War in Indochina was “threat perception”. The study also found that despite Vietnam's recent experience fighting two prolonged wars it nevertheless decided to invade neighboring Cambodia because it perceived Cambodia to be a serious threat and feared that its neighbor could threaten its existence based upon the five factors: (a) the current situation (b) its historical experience (c) the cultural differences between the two countries, (d) the actions and policies of Vietnam's rivals and (e) the anxiety felt by Vietnam's leaders concerning the intentions of its neighbor. Keywords - Security Dilemma, Threat perception, Fear, Indochina war.