Paper Title
E-learning for Environmental Chemistry Issues: A Green Regional Policy for Development

E-learning constitutes an Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tool for regional development and green regional policy. E-learning may therefore be a tool for direct transmission of knowledge, without spatial limitations, knowledge that is needed to formulate the philosophy towards all crisis. The e-learning courses can be classified into synchronous and asynchronous depending on whether the students participate actively and in real time or not. As it has been introduced in all levels of education, teachers are required to have high-level ICT skills and to be familiar with teaching through an educational portal. The challenge of an integrated and impeccable structure of an e-course is an important issue, and every teacher should provide the necessary features of the lesson. The paper studies the e-learning material and the e-learning strategies and aims to present the current situation of ICT competences of environmental chemistry teachers and the structure of e-learning courses. The results of this study depict the influence of the e-learning program on academic performance. This paper provides an interesting insight into the OpenCourses platform from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki that is accessible since 2015. This successful paradigm can be applied for other countries, too. Keywords - E-learning, Environmental Chemistry, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)