Paper Title
Exploration on Mineral Resources and Coastal Geomorphology of Rameshwaram Island by using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques

Rameswaram Island situated on the southeast shore of India limited by Gulf of Mannar (GoM) on the South and Palk Bay (PB) on the North, it is remarkable in nature. To identify the depositional environment of the sediments using textural characteristics and trace the heavy mineral occurrence. Devastating mineral dispersions are critical in the assurance of the provenance of the residue yet in addition fill in as a valuable pointer in keen the procedures in the beach front condition and in translating the depositional record of the Rameshwaram Island. The present examination is proposed to consider the work, dynamic nature of the earth and their accessibility of the enormous mineral fixation. Quantitative and subjective estimation of massive mineral focus and outline of placer minerals zone. Arrangement of spatial guide of excess amount of mineral dissemination and geomorphologic guide utilizing remote detecting and GIS. Provenance of the noticeable substantial mineral placers will be assessed dependent on the above outcomes Geospatial information base on Heavy mineral fixation and distributional variety will be created under GIS condition utilizing Arc GIS 3.2.a and Arc-GIS 9.1. An appropriate elucidation of beach front landforms will create the refinement of the procedures and materials that were associated with the beginning of landforms, which thusly will help in understanding the seaside advancement. The rose coral during the resulting backward period of the ocean had been filling in as spot for marine sedimentation as demonstrated by mudflats and shoreline edges of last period. The spit is formed after in the island. To evaluate the coastal evolutionary historical events. Keywords - Rameshwaram, Texture, Placer Mineral, Geomorphology, Evolution.