Paper Title
Comparaison between PID and Fuzzy PID Control for DJI F450 Quadcopter Stability

A quadcopter is a flying machine, which equipped with four motors to create lift and achieve a vertical flight, it could also stay stable in a hover position to make a determinate job as collecting data in a defined area, such mapping or taking areal phots or scanning earth topography. However, stability of quadcopters is an essential for better flying experiences. Hence, we propose in this paper, a comparative study between PID and fuzzy PID controller in order to test the stability of the movement of the quadcopter. This study was applied in the famous DJI F450 quadcopter frame. The results show an effective comparison with full review of both control schemes that helps for further implementation and stability of such kind of quadcopters. Keywords - Quadcopters, PID, Fuzzy, Stability